Four Roses Small Batch Select

Brian’s Four Roses Small Batch Select Review:

reviewed 01-September-2023


Four Roses Small Batch Select (Four Roses Select) offers a balanced aroma and flavor profile of fruit, spice, sweet, and wood. On the first draw, my nose found fruit blossoms, roasted sweet corn, and hints of mint, followed by a medley of fruits, spices, and sweet elements. Most of these aromas pass along  to the palate. Even at 104 Proof, this bourbon offers a silky mouthfeel with only a slight tongue tickle. The finish is long-lasting, and has a mix of dark fruits, spices, along with a touch of sweetness, and fades away on vanilla, caramel, and seasoned oak.

Four Roses Small Batch Select

Category: Limited Release Small Batch Bourbon
Region: Lawrenceburg, KY
Distillery: Four Roses
Recipe Blend: OBSV (adds delicate fruit and rye); OBSK (adds rye and baking spice); OBSF (adds delicate rye and mint); OESV (adds delicate fruit and caramel); OESK (adds baking spice; OESF (adds light grain and mint)
Yeast Strains: V (adds delicate fruit notes); K (adds slight spiciness); F (adds herbal notes)
Mash Bill B: 60% corn, 35% rye, 5% malted barley
Mash Bill E: 75% corn, 20% rye, 5% malted barley
Barrel Char: unpublished
Barrel entry proof: unpublished
Age: nas (said to be about 6-7 years)
Filtration: Non-chill-filtered
ABV: 52% (104 Proof)
Fair Price: $75.47 (BoozApp, August 2023)
Paid: $62.45 (Oregon, Summer 2023)


Each recipe name is composed of four letters (I.e. OBSV) identifying its production facility, mash bill, distillation process and yeast strain.

The Recipes

O – The first letter is always O, designating the distillation at Four Roses Distillery
B, E – This letter designates the mash bill. Each has a different ratio of corn, rye, and malted barley
S – The third letter is always S, designated it as straight whiskey
F, K, O, Q, V – This letter identifies the proprietary yeast strain. Each creates unique flavors.

Learn more at Four Roses Bourbon.


A pour of about four ounces, was made into my Glencairn. The liquid rested for about 30 minutes before the first sip was taken. The pour was made on Day 1 of the 2023 30 Bourbons in 30 Days Challenge.


Four Roses Select has an expansive aroma profile to entice the senses. At first inhale, after the nip of alcohol subsides, my nose was greeted with a bit of barrel tannin then fruit tree blossoms came in to create an inviting and fragrant lightness. I sensed roasted sweet corn and a hint of mint along with ripe red raspberry, fresh cut tart apple, cherry and a bit of apricot. As the fruity aromas mingle, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg sprinkled with white pepper and rye counter the sweetness. Then comes vanilla, followed by simple syrup and caramelized sugar and honey. Beneath this sweetness lies a subtle undercurrent of pineyness and toasted oak, along with the freshness of petricor which adds welcome earthy tones.


Many of the aromas sensed on the nose pass through to the palate. Four Roses Select starts dry and warm as herbal dusty grain blends with sweet apple flavored pipe tobacco. The fruit train continues, as red berries, soft apples, apricots, and orange marmalade welcome cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and rye. The spices contribute a gentle, tingling heat and help blend in vanilla, brown sugar caramel rich and soft honey. I taste subtle pinenuts and lightly toasted oak which gives each sip woody depth. The fruity undertones, and touch of spice along with the woody sweetness makes this a truly satisfying sip.

Four Roses Small Batch Select

Balance, Body, Feel and Look:
Four Roses Select is solid, well blended and nicely balanced. Initial sips are a bit prickly but easy to hold as the liquid feels silky in my mouth and makes me salivate. When swirled in the glass, a thin crown forms yet after each sip extremely long clinging legs stretch from the rim of the glass all the way to the auburn colored pool.


Four Roses Small Batch Select offers an extremely long and warming finish. Again, I sense barrel tannins, dark fruits along with the same cinnamon, black pepper, and rye. As the sensations fade, the memory of light vanilla, dark caramel, honey blend into roasted pecans, seasoned oak, toasted wood, apple pipe tobacco, and old, dry leather. And when the last dram is downed, sweet buttery vanilla caramel, and dry seasoned oak waft from the empty Glencairn.

MY RATING: 92/00

Will I buy this whiskey again? YES
When found on store shelves at retail, this is a recommended BUY.
Click to read Brian’s scoring process.

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To see other reviews from this brand, click Four Roses Distillery.

Four Roses Small Batch Select
Four Roses Small Batch Select

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Four Roses Single Barrel Review

Hannah’s Four Roses Single Barrel Review

Original review written September 2, 2021


It’s a solid pour and easy sipper with enough complexity to be fun, but enough mellowness that just sitting with it is perfectly enjoyable. 89/100

Four Roses Single Barrel Review

– Made In: Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, USA
– Distiller: Four Roses Distillery
– Classification: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey; Single Barrel
– Age: nas
– Mash Bill: Corn=60%; Rye=35%; Malted Barley=5%
– Casks: Char#3/#4
– Barrel Entry Proof: 120
– ABV: 50% (100 proof)
– Warehouse: RN
– Barrel: 12-5M
– Price: $45.95 USD in Idaho

Visit for more information


I enjoyed the juice neat from a Glencairn with father and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer, Brian.

Check out his review of this bourbon here!


I picture sitting at the edge of a swamp with Four Roses Single Barrel. The weather is warm, the air clings loosely around your frame and grass waves back and forth as wind and water move through it. It’s relaxing, and it is utterly peaceful and fulfilling, and exactly what you need at the end of a long day.

Photo by Jon L on Unsplash


This smells of roasted corn on the first draw with new leather and some black pepper. There is some sweetness that comes from a bit of vanilla custard and maybe a little caramel and brown sugar. The corn definitely seems like the hero here. Floral notes are here but they are dark and seem like a dark fruit more than anything. Currants and raisins and even a blueberry preserve/jam pop and make the whole nose unique to other bourbons I have had. Otherwise, the nose is quite gentle with little alcoholic burn and just enough oak to assist in mellowing it out even more.

Four Roses Single Barrel Review

– Mouth Feel: Oily and very soft all throughout the palate. It is the definition of an easy sipper with no surprises.
– Balance: Solid. I wouldn’t say I’m necessarily wowed, but it is certainly well-blended and just works.
– Visual: Honey in color, I find a broken crown and no legs.

– Taste: The palate is quite soft with some of the dark fruits from the nose coming through at first, only to be softened even more by dusty corn. Additional sweetness comes from a bit of graham cracker and some light vanilla. It all gets slightly brighter with some citrus zest which also makes it a touch bitter, but not offensively so. There could also be some hazelnuts and floral herbs that contribute to the slight bitterness, but they are very subdued behind the citrus zest. I can’t find much in the way of spice beyond some rye and general brininess that makes the mouth water.

The wood is very mild as is the alcohol, which is impressive for a 100 proof. I can let this sit on my palate and let the wood grow into a little more than sawdust and the alcohol mellow to almost nothing. When I aggravate the whiskey with a Kentucky chew, raisins come through with some bitter hazelnuts, and still a very mild alcohol punch. It’s certainly original and intriguing to the point that I’m repeating the process a few times.


– Lasting Power: Short-medium. I get a tickle of heat at the back of the palate and a bit of flavor coating the throat but it doesn’t linger terribly long.
– Between Sips: A simple syrup with some sweet oak sit between sips with a hint of floral rose.

– No More: An herbal quality is starting to emerge the further I get into the glass, taking over the bitter component, but still letting the sweetness talk. I find this additional complexity refreshing and welcome, and look forward to how it continues to grow as I continue to sip.

The empty Glencairn is a rich and seasoned oak, that is a perfect finish to this four. Very happy.


Do I think there are better bourbons at this price? Yes. Do I think this is still worth $45? Also yes. I don’t know if I’d call this a great value bourbon, but I do think it is solidly priced, and you get exactly what you paid for. This is the kind of bourbon to have an experience with and/or just sit with in some peace and quiet. Finding a whiskey that can do both is always a win, and at $45, you can’t go wrong.


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To access other whiskies from this distillery, click Four Roses.

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Four Roses Single Barrel OBSQ Review

Hannah’s Four Roses Single Barrel OBSQ Review

Original review written April 30, 2020


With only 160 barrels released as a part of Idaho’s Four Roses Private Select, it’ll be sad when this is gone, as the balance between spices, fruit, sugars and wood is wonderful and keeps me coming back for more. 93/100

Four Roses Single Barrel OBSQ Review

– Made In: Lawrenceburg, KY, USA
– Distillery: Four Roses Distillery
– Classification: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey; Single Barrel; Private Select
– Age: 9 yrs. 6 mo.
– Mash Bill: Corn-60%; Rye=35%; Malted Barley=5%
– Casks: Char #3 and #4
– Barrel Entry Proof: 120
– ABV: 62% (124 proof)
– OBSQ: Selected by Idaho State Liquor Division
– O: Production at the Four Roses Distillery in Lawrenceburg, KY
– B: Mash Bill “B”, Low Corn/High Rye
– S: Straight Whiskey Designation
– Q: Yeast Strain “Q”
– Warehouse: JE
– Barrel: 15-4L (approximately 160 bottles)
– Price: $69.95 USD in Idaho

Visit for more information


I enjoyed the juice neat from a Glencairn glass with father and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer, Brian.

Check out his review of this bourbon here!


This is the perfect pour at a Thanksgiving dinner with every flavor profile of Four Roses capable of pairing with some part of the dinner, from the main course to the pumpkin pie dessert. It’s an easy pour that can only enhance the (hopefully) peaceful atmosphere.

Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash


This has a surprisingly gentle nose for the proof with a fruity, sweet, wine tannin essence being there to greet me. The fruit seems dark, but it’s trick to distinguish further. Underneath it, however, is strong grain – likely rye. Other spices include cinnamon, black pepper, and even salt and cloves. Despite these strong spices, the alcohol still isn’t as stinging as some other bourbons I’ve had. With these spices comes dark brown sugar, chocolate and maple syrup.

There is a heavy and seasoned oak underneath it all, making for a spicy, yet balanced nose overall that is warm and inviting.

Four Roses Single Barrel OBSQ Review

– Mouth Feel: Very oily and smooth, but with a sawdust quality to promote chewing.
– Balance: Lots of flavors here, but the blend is seamless and – dare I say – flawless.
– Visual: Mahogany and henna in color, there are evenly spaced thin legs with a short-lived crown.

– Taste: The alcohol, while subdued on the nose, is immediately apparent on the sip, backed by rye and clove. Behind this, I can detect fresh cherries that are even accompanied by cherry blossoms, though the cherries themselves seem more maraschino in flavor.

The dark, sugary scents from the nose aren’t there so much anymore, instead replaced by a dark vanilla. Along with the classic cherry and vanilla, there’s subtle almonds that appear at the back of the palate. (I’ll be honest: it’s possible my brain senses almonds falsely just because such flavor combinations are too perfect to not look for a little bit when one half of the equation presents itself so nicely.)

The wood from the nose is still here also, being like sawdust as I keep having the urge to chew. It’s quite strong, and I do enjoy that depth.

When I do partake in the Kentucky chew, rye, black pepper and salt bloom, followed by a bit by cherries and strangely, an apricot jam at the back of the sip. With it comes a GREAT deal of saliva, a bit of burn, and the urge to repeat.


– Lasting Power: Medium and relatively clean. I actually feel a little let down at the lack of long-lasting warmth with flavors and a proof like this.
– Between Sips: Apricots and cherries linger a little bit, with a drop of alcohol burn that disappears too quickly.

– No More: This continues to mellow out as I go further into the glass, with cherries, vanilla and rye continuing to be the dominating flavors, while other aforementioned tastes seem to have dwindled a lot.

The empty Glencairn has a definitive woody bite to it, along with a cinnamon warming sensation. This could easily be a candle.


At about $70, I’d say it’s worth it. Definitely not $80, but given it’s rarity and balance, it’s a great addition to the bunker, especially for those already fond of the distillery’s productions.

RATING: 93/100

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