Hannah’s George Dickel Barrel Select Whisky Review

Original review written April 25, 2020
Definitely my favorite Tennessee Whisky I’ve had as of April 2020. Lighthearted and an easy, simple pour certainly, it’ll become a daily sipper for lazy days. 89/100

– Made In: Tullahoma, TN, USA
– Distiller: Cascade Hollow Distilling Company
– Classification: Tennessee Whisky
– Age: nas
– Mash Bill: Corn=84%; Rye=8%; Malted Barley=8%
– Casks: Char #4
– Barrel Entry Proof: undisclosed
– Charcoal mellowed and double distilled
– ABV: 43% (86 proof)
– Price: $43.95 USD in Idaho
Visit georgedickel.com for more information
I enjoyed the juice neat from a Glencairn glass with father and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer, Brian.
Check out his review for this whisky here!
I imagine enjoying a pour like this outside in the summertime, underneath a “Party Tree”, much like one found in the Lord of the Rings series in the Shire. You don’t have to think too hard about this one; just sit back and revel in the light atmosphere of the carefree and relaxed. Everything is just right in your little corner of the world.

Photo by Tobias Stonjeck on Unsplash
The first inhales bring out a sweet and gentle warmth, with a fibrous grain coming through along with a touch of pear. It’s a floral and summery kind of smell, but I can pull a hint of fruit leather and peanuts that make for a pleasant depth component I wouldn’t have expected from an 86 proof.
True to its honey color, I also smell natural honey as well as simple syrup, but it’s light and not overpowering at all. With deep inhales, there’s a pinch of white pepper; overall, however, there is minimal heat to this pour’s nose.
I do get the barrel as well – the warming sensation, no doubt. Nevertheless, it’s a newer wood that screams a “bright-eyed and bushy-tailed” personality that I find both pleasant and intriguing, as personalities (for me) are so rarely apparent from the aromas alone.

– Mouth Feel: Very silky with JUST ENOUGH grit to keep it interesting.
– Balance: Simple, but everything balances and blends very well.
– Visual: Honey in color, there is a crown with some thick droplets and legs remaining in the glass.
– Taste: Initial sips are a a mellow yeast with the tail-end of the sip evoking an equally mellow cherry syrup glaze. The result is almost a rye bread with fruit filling, but the rye is barely there. If anything, I’d sooner say black pepper for the spice.
Sweetness is still the overriding profile though, with hard maple candies and raspberries (?) coming through with some vanilla. The peanuts are still here as well, hanging with the cherry syrup at the back of the palate. The wood is stronger on the palate also, decidedly being oaky in flavor and very, very smooth.
A Kentucky chew actually brings out some alcohol warmth – not enough to hurt at all, but enough to bring a smile to my face all the same. With it comes extra black pepper, and the pear from the nose makes an appearance, being very welcome. Overall, the glass is very simple, but it’s a pleasant and lighthearted pour.
– Lasting Power: Short to medium. There’s a lingering tingle on the tongue, but the warmth doesn’t move elsewhere.
– Between Sips: The yeasty essence sticks around the most, making me fell like I can keep chewing on something even after the sip’s gone.
– No More: This stays very consistent as I go through the glass, maybe with the maple coming through a bit stronger with the original yeast towards the yeast.
The empty Glencairn is a sweet and surprisingly apple-y oak, being warm and simultaneously fresh. I quite like this whisky and am happy to give it a “daily sipper” badge.
As someone who prefers the classic bourbon over Tennessee Whisky, I still highly recommend giving George Dickel Barrel Select a try. It drinks like a bourbon, and I think it is definitely worth the asking price of slightly over $40.
RATING: 89/100
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Want to hear my thoughts on other George Dickel’s?
–> George Dickel #12
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