Elora’s Old Forester 100 Proof Review Summary

S01E02 Podcast Review recorded 11-March-2023
Full Review on 14-March-2023
While not heavy on oak or nutty flavors, Old Forester 100 Proof Bourbon is very sweet, both in the nose and palate. Sugars, fruits, and earthy flavors pleasantly dominate the drink.

– Category: Kentucky Bourbon
– Region: Louisville, KY, USA
– Distillery: Brown-Forman
– DSP#: KY-414
– Mashbill: 72% Corn, 18% Rye, 10% Malted Barley
– Barrel Char: #4
– Barrel Entry Proof: 125
– Age: nas
– Filtration: Chill-filtered
– ABV: 50% (100 Proof)
– NABCA CSC#: 16396
– No batch or bottle number identifiers
– Size: 750 ML
– Price: $25.95 (Idaho, Spring 2023)
Learn more at Old Forester Products.
I enjoyed this bourbon neat with my father and sister while listening to choral arrangements of popular songs.
Check out Brian’s review here and Hannah’s review here!
There is a slight burn when smelling this, which is surprising to me because I would expect the burn to come from a higher proof bourbon or rye. There are many sweet notes that come with the heat, such as vanilla, brown sugar, light caramel, and a candy flavor—particularly the flavor of a purple skittle. Fruits emerge as well, like maraschino cherries, candied oranges, and fruit punch. I am unable to get any nutty tones, but I can get both spices and earthy ones. Nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, leather, roses, and sweet grasses are evident. As for baked goods, I can get hints of cherry turnovers, graham crackers, smoked marshmallows, and wheat bread. Overall, I can guess that this is going to be both a sweet and fruity bourbon—very exciting!
Feel: In the mouth, it feels much more like water than other bourbons that I have; there is not much viscosity with this one. However, it settles very nicely in the chest and the warmth has a long-lasting bloom.
Balance: The bourbon is both fruit and earth-heavy. The flavors blend nicely with one another, but it doesn’t have a typical oak foundation. The sweet tones from the aroma come through faintly, but you have to hunt for them.
Visual: The color is somewhere between auburn and flame. There is a faint outline of a crown with long, skinny legs dripping down from it.

Upon first tasting this, I didn’t get the sweet notes like I was expecting. Instead, I got many more earthy notes and an overwhelming bread flavor, particularly that of wheat. Grass not only became a more predominant flavor, but it also brought a hint of pine. There were also hints of sweetened browned butter and dark caramel. After tasting it for a while longer I got some more of the sweet tones that I got in the aroma, like toasted marshmallows, candied oranges, and cherry turnovers.
The feeling in the chest lingers for a long time and leaves a pleasant warmth in its wake. As for the taste, I believe it has a long finish as well. It blends from earthy tones to sweet ones, and the sweetness lingers far longer than the earth. Cherry pastries, caramel, and bread are the lasting flavors from this bourbon.
“Yellow” by Coldplay1
Cello Suite No. 1 – “Prelude” by Johann Sebastian Bach2
This bourbon, to me, is very calming and soothing, and therefore, I chose “Yellow” by Coldplay and J.S. Bach’s “Prelude” from his Cello Suite No. 1. The lyrics of “Yellow” encourage me to find the light in my dark moments, while the “Prelude” helps to ground my chaotic emotions with its deep and pleasant chord progressions.
For a price around $25.95? Absolutely! This is another great bourbon to go for, especially when on a budget.
I would most certainly get Old Forester 100 Proof Bourbon again. I highly enjoyed this, and wouldn’t hesitate to buy it if I saw it on the shelf.
To access other whiskies from this brand, click Old Forester.
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1Coldplay, “Yellow”, May 30, 2011, Coldplay – Yellow (Official Video), [Video], Album: Parachutes
2Yo-Yo-Ma, Cello Suite No. 1 “Prelude”, January 14, 2019, Yo-Yo Ma – Bach: Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, Prélude (Official Video), [Video], Johann Sebastian Bach