Maker’s Mark FAE-02 Bourbon

Brian’s Maker’s Mark FAE-02 Bourbon Review:

reviewed 16-October-2021


The fall 2021 Wood Finishing Series release, Maker’s Mark FAE-02 (Maker’s FAE-02) is a fine bourbon and in my opinion, the best of the four bottle series to date. The flora, spice and sweet aromas pass to the palate and finish. There is just enough bitterness in the flavors to counter the sweet and while not strong, the pleasant woodiness allows all the flavors to shine. Maybe the best feature of FAE-02 is its mouthfeel – this whiskey begs to be held.

Maker's Mark FAE-02 Bourbon

Category: Straight Bourbon Finished with Oak Staves
Region: Loretto, KY
Company: Beam Suntory
Distillery: Maker’s Mark
Mash Bill: 70% Corn, 16% Wheat, 14% Malted Barley
Barrel Char: unpublished
Barrel entry proof: 110
Age: nas
Non-chill filtered
ABV: 54.55% (109.1 Proof)
Release Date: Fall 2021
Price: $69.95

FAE-02 is the second wood finishing expression of 2021. While all the labels in the series resemble license plate numbers, the letters ‘FAE’ reference the Fatty Acid Esters retained during the distillation and aging process as elements of barrel char help boost fruity and other sweet notes.

FAE-02 staves are French Oak that [are] double heat-treated – with infrared, then a flame finish. The infrared creates furans (or caramel flavor). The flame finish balances the caramel with lignin (vanilla).

— Maker’s Mark

Click Maker’s Mark FAE-02 to learn more.


Alternate amounts, equaling about four ounces, were poured into two Glencairns. My daughter and I enjoyed the bourbon neat for this review.

Check out her review for this bourbon here!


The nose of Maker’s FAE-02 offers little if any alcohol heat even with heavy draws. There are plenty of herbal notes of fruit tree blossoms and wheat and an unexpected blend of blueberry, fresh sliced apple, and banana. Continued nosing brings allspice and faint cinnamon, buttery but unbaked graham cracker pie crust and candy-like vanilla taffy. I also sense additional sweets of buttery brown sugar caramel, and pecan toffee. While these aromas are easy to pull, this is a simple and gentle bourbon grounded in new, fresh cut oak and toasted wood.


Maker’s FAE-02 drinks quite warm and has an almost hot tickle of herbal fruit tree blossoms floating over fields of wheat. There is also an interesting stone fruit nectar of apricot and plum (plucots). The fruit mixes spices of cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper and sweets of brown, sugared pastry, vanilla custard, buttery caramel, and maple syrup in a pleasing compote. All this sweetness is countered by slightly bitter hazelnuts which help to balance toasted wood and light barrel char. This is a great pour.

Maker's Mark FAE-02 Bourbon

Balance, Body, Feel and Look:
Maker’s FAE-02 is a gentle well blended bourbon which gives the tongue a manageable tickle when the first sip is held. The mouthful is creamy and when acclimated, the liquid becomes quite viscous. FAE-02 has a such a wonderful mouth feel, I find myself holding and swallowing rather than tasting. After each sip, long clinging legs break from the veil returning the dregs to the auburn pool. The remaining crown thins as any drops left behind break quickly and fade away.


Maker’s Mark FAE-02 has a warm herbal and wheaty medium long finish. As I swallow, I feel the sensation of tart cherry juice blended with nutmeg and pepper slide down my throat. I also perceive sugared and baked pie crust, light vanilla, and caramel enjoyed from a lightly charred oak bowl. And when the last dram is downed, light alcohol, sweet vanilla, caramel, and old toasted oak can be drawn from the empty Glencairn.

MY RATING: 91/100

Will I buy this whiskey again? YES
The Maker’s Mark Wood Finishing Series is something I will always purchase regardless of the rating of the last release.
Click to read Brian’s scoring process.

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To access other whiskies from this distillery, click Maker’s Mark.

Maker's Mark FAE-02 Bourbon
Maker's Mark FAE-02 Bourbon

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Maker’s Mark FAE-02 Bourbon Review

Hannah’s Maker’s Mark FAE-02 Bourbon Review

Original review written October 16, 2021


The balance and blend of FAE-02 is absolutely spectacular, and may even be one of the best blends I have ever tasted. A bit of everything for everyone- I’m confident I’ll get another bottle. 94/100

Maker's Mark FAE-02 Bourbon Review

– Made In: Loretto, Kentucky, USA
– Distiller: Maker’s Mark Distillery
– Classification: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey; Wheated Whiskey; Wood Finishing Series
– Age: nas
– Mash Bill: Corn=70%; Soft red winter wheat=16%; Malted Barley=14%
– Casks: unpublished char
– Non-chill filtered
– Barrel Entry Proof: 110
– ABV: 54.55% (109.1 proof)
– Price: $69.95 USD in Idaho (2021)

Visit for more information on the wood staves used for this bourbon


I enjoyed the spirit neat from a Glencairn with father and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer, Brian.

Check out his review for this bourbon here!


FAE-02 would be a great bourbon to have with you when looking at colorful, Christmas lights out in the neighborhood. All of the colors – even with the cold – match the personality of this bourbon while warming you enough to combat the freezing air. It’s a glass full of happiness, richness, and good times. For me, that’s going out at the holidays to look at decorations amidst the snow, and maybe even with a carol on the lips.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


I find the wheat of the mash bill sweetened by vanilla and caramel on the first inhale. With it, is a light brown sugar and butterscotch for sweetness. I also find an old leather and rich barrel char that is almost – but not quite – smoky. Spice continues along with the baking theme and seems most like cinnamon, but there could be a few stray peppercorns as well. I can’t identify too many fruits on this nose, aside from a stray bright apple-y note and strangely enough, raisins. And when I say raisins, it’s more akin to that familiar red carton raisin, than fresh raisins you’re going to find in a grocery store.

There’s a bit of a nip of alcohol here, and deep inhales burn slightly, but even soft inhales can give you a sting every now and then. While this nose isn’t entirely complex, it’s still rich and warm, and I’m very excited to give it a try.

Maker's Mark FAE-02 Bourbon Review

– Mouth Feel: This is really a lot like velvet in the mouth. It’s soft as it just sits, waiting to be enjoyed, but it has texture once you roll it around a little, which I really love.
– Balance: Fantastic. I think you get a bit of everything in this pour. The spice backs up the sweet, and the bitter prevents either from becoming too forward. Just a really well-blended bourbon that is fun.
– Visual: Auburn in color, there are many fast-dropping, thick legs that fall from a thin crown. The crown turns quickly to solely a thin ring, but it does linger for a moment.

– Taste: Warm, baking spices come across the palate first like allspice and clove being particularly potent. There’s a bitter, nutty element at the back of the sip, perhaps like hazelnuts. Nevertheless, there is still sweetness to be found, with light vanilla, an angel food cake component (with fluffiness to match), and simple syrup. There’s a bit more cherry here also, and a deep version of fruit cup syrup. I can taste the richness of the green grapes in said syrup quite well.

The essence of oak is here rather than being any kind of bold, but it does its job well binding flavors together. The alcohol has just the right amount of kick to be interesting, but it isn’t what I would call overwhelming at all. When I partake in a Kentucky chew, the bitterness of the hazelnuts comes back along with some of those wrinkled green grapes – sans fruit cup syrup this time.


– Lasting Power: Long. The warmth tickles at the back of the throat, and I get some flavor sticking around on top of that.
– Between Sips: The bitter hazelnuts sit with me the most between sips, with a hint of caramel as well.

– No More: Rich and consistent the further into the glass I get, and with this pour, that isn’t a bad thing at all. I love this and am quite content that it’s stayed this good throughout.

The empty Glencairn is a sweet, seasoned oak. A hint of caramel left to top off this great pour.


$70 is indeed a lot, but if any of the Wood Finishing Series were going to be worth this number, I do think it would be FAE-02. The balance alone makes for such a treat, and the flavors are ones that practically anyone can thoroughly enjoy. I might be buying another. And if you can find this, you should buy it too.


Click to see Hannah’s rating process

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To access other whiskies from this distillery, click Maker’s Mark.

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Maker’s Mark FAE-01 Bourbon Review

Hannah’s Maker’s Mark FAE-01 Bourbon Review

Original review written October 12, 2021


This one is full of unique flavor, but with a strange bittersweet-ness going on, and at $60 USD nonetheless, this one of the Wood Finishing Series I’ll pass on. 83/100

Maker's Mark FAE-01 Bourbon Review

– Loretto, Kentucky, USA
– Distillery: Maker’s Mark Distillery
– Classification: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey; Wheated Whiskey; Wood Finishing Series
– Age: nas
– Mash Bill: Corn=70%; Soft red winter wheat=16%; Malted barley=14%
– Casks: unpublished char
– Non-chill filtered
– Barrel Entry Proof: 110
– ABV: 55.3% (110.6 proof)
– Price: $59.95 USD in Idaho (2021)

Visit for more information on the wood staves used for this bourbon


I enjoyed the juice neat from a Glencairn glass with father and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer, Brian.

Check out his review for this bourbon here!


I imagine enjoying a cool fall afternoon with some Maker’s FAE-01, trudging through puddles and smiling at the splash that they create. There’s enough going on to keep you intrigued, while being able to put it on the back burner when one puddle looks too tempting to ignore.

Photo by Gary Ellis on Unsplash


Rainer cherries, vanilla custard and even some dark blackberries come out of the glass first; however, I wouldn’t say the nose is definitively only fruity sweetness. I also get some nutty toffee that is quite apparent, along with some smoked maple. In fact, the smokiness on the maple even is as if it’s paired with something savory like bacon. (I’m not sure if I’ve ever gotten this flavor on the nose of a whiskey before.) The maple bacon together still works to be sweet overall, and I daresay it’s as though I’m smelling maple bacon donuts. It goes along with a wood, but I’m not convinced that it is an oaky woodiness, rather perhaps cedar, as it’s a bit more bold.

Now that the glass has had a moment to breathe, it’s hard to find those initial fruity tones, but I cannot ignore that they were definitely there. There is a scent of alcohol too (much like finger nail polish remover alcohol), but it isn’t overly affronting, and it certainly is not going to burn.

Maker's Mark FAE-01 Bourbon Review

– Mouth Feel: This has a mellow mouth feel. Nothing too noteworthy, other than it just isn’t bad.
– Balance: The blend of all of the flavors works, but it still allows for all of them to be discernable from each other, so I wouldn’t call it entirely seamless.
– Visual: Tawny in color, there are many clinging droplets as well as fast-dropping, thick legs.

– Taste: While not coming across as dark, this has the bittersweet-ness of molasses on the first sip, along with even some honey notes. The molasses lends itself to a cookie-like element that definitely does make me smile. With it comes almost an artificial grape flavor that comes from cough syrup. It is brightened up noticeably by some golden delicious apples that prevent that artificial grape from getting too gritty in texture. The wood takes over for the texture side of things and seems to have converted from the cedar of the nose to decidedly oak.

I wouldn’t say that this is overly complex, but it’s still relatively decent. It’s certainly unique given the flavor profile I’ve found in it. The flavors aren’t exactly all my favorites (except the molasses cookies), but they somehow manage to work together well enough. I think if anything I’m just quite confused by this bourbon.

The alcohol is mild, and I can let it sit on my palate for some time without even feeling a burn. When I partake in a Kentucky chew, the bittersweet notes comes back in spades, turning that molasses cookie into more of a buttery shortbread that is just a little short on vanilla. Still, the alcohol isn’t bothersome and any burn from the chew fades relatively quickly.


– Lasting Power: Medium-long. I get some warmth and some residual flavor, but it’s the warmth that lasts the longest.
– Between Sips: The bittersweet flavors from the palate are most recognizable here between sips, and I’m a little disheartened by this.

– No More: This gets more briny the further into the glass that I get, which only works to make my palate more confused.

The empty Glencairn is a mild oak that just leaves me wanting. It could be deeper, richer… a whole host of things, and it just is not.


Out of the Wood Finishing Series, I will definitely say that this one is not my favorite, and I do not think I’d buy it again, regardless of what the price is. It’s not a bad bourbon, and if you love the unique flavors, I would assume $60 would be a fair price. Nevertheless, I don’t think I’ll lament too much once this bottle is gone.


Click to see Hannah’s rating process

Click 83/100 to access other whiskeys with this rating.
To access other whiskies from this distillery, click Maker’s Mark.

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