Remus Repeal Reserve V

Brian’s Remus Repeal Reserve V Review:

reviewed 04-September-2022


The aromas and flavors of Remus Repeal Reserve V (Remus RRV) are well balanced and can be detected in the aroma, on the palate and through to the finish. Each sip is gentle, creamy, viscous, and quite easy to hold. This is a fine bourbon, one I am happy to have on my shelf.

Remus Repeal Reserve V

Category: Small Batch Bourbon Repeal Series
Region: Lawrenceburg, IN
Company: Luxco
Distillery: G. Remus Distilling Co. (DSP-IN-15023, Ross & Squibb Distillery)
2021 Batch V Mash Bill Medley:
▪︎  9% 2005 Bourbon 21% Rye
▪︎  5% 2006 Bourbon 36% Rye
▪︎19% 2006 Bourbon 21% Rye
▪︎13% 2008 Bourbon 21% Rye
▪︎54% 2008 Bourbon 36% Rye
Barrel Char: unpublished
Barrel entry proof: unpublished
Age: unpublished (more than 10 years old)
ABV: 50% (100 Proof)
NABCA CSC #: 18422
Price: $89.95 (Idaho, Oct 2021)

Click George Remus to learn more.


Alternate pours, equaling about four ounces, were added into three Glencairns. My daughters and I enjoyed the bourbon neat as I prepared this review.

Check out her review for this bourbon here!


As I bring Remus RRV to my nose I feel little if any heat. I do however smell fruit tree blossoms, sweet corn, caramel apples and Maraschino cherries, as baking spices of powdered ginger, white pepper, and rye mix with chocolate cream and vanilla custard. Then come treats of raspberry caramel candies, candy corn, and marshmallows with buttery caramel, maple syrup, and toffee. While I cannot identify a particular nut, there is nuttiness in each draught which compliments this bourbon’s light dry and toasted oak.


Each sip of Remus RRV is warm highlighting fresh roasted corn. As I contemplate the pour, I feel (more than taste) the acidic nature of slightly bitter citrus, but it works. There is not a lot of traditional bourbon fruit, but I do pick up on dark figs sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered ginger. Those baking notes continue with the same chocolate cream and rich vanilla I detected on the nose. The sweetness becomes more defined with each sip, coming through as burnt caramel, honey, and slightly bitter walnuts hidden in dark toffee. The palate also helps boost the woodiness as dry oak blends into barrel spice and char.

Remus Repeal Reserve V

Balance, Body, Feel and Look:
The aromas and flavors of Remus RRV are well balanced. Each sip is gentle, creamy, viscous, and quite easy to hold. As the glass is set down, a curtain of liquid coats, then breaks into large clinging drops which hang above the mahogany colored pool. There are no legs here, just big drops.


Remus Repeal Reserve V offers a long throat warming finish. The elements of dusty grain and bitter citrus pass through the experience as do the cinnamon, pepper and rye. And although much subdued, so does the toffee-like confection, as bittersweet chocolate, burnt caramel, and dark walnut fade into the dry old oak, barrel spice and char. As the last drops are taken, the empty Glencairn smells of dry sawdust and the memory of the pour. This is a fine bourbon, one I am happy to have on my shelf.

MY RATING: 89/100

Will I buy this whiskey again? YES
Click to read Brian’s scoring process.

Click 89/100 to access other whiskies with this score.
To see other reviews from George Remus click here.

Remus Repeal Reserve V
Remus Repeal Reserve V

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George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Brian’s George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey Review:

reviewed 15-March-2022


George Remus Straight Bourbon (GR GR Bourbon) Whiskey is labeled for its namesake George Remus. Also known as the “King of the Bootleggers”, German-born Remus was a lawyer, bootlegger and criminal during the Prohibition era. In November 2016, MGP acquired rights to the George Remus brand from Queen City Whiskey Co. and is now selling several versions of George Remus Bourbon under the label. There are some in the media who have called for MPG to rebrand this product line due to Mr. Remus’ sordid past.

GR Bourbon Whiskey is a nice pour. I’ve often looked past the unassuming bottle, and I am sorry to have waited this long to give this bourbon a try. From the fruity sweet nose, to the caramelly flavors, oily mouthfeel and long finish, this is a fine whiskey at a fair price.

George Remus Straight Bourbon

Category: Straight Bourbon Region: G. Remus Distilling Co., Atchison, KS
Distillery: DSP-IN-15016 Lawrenceburg, IN (MGPI)
Mash Bill: unpublished but believed to be a blend of one or more MGP high-rye mash bills.
Barrel Char: unpublished
Barrel entry proof: unpublished
Age: over 4 years (nas)
Filtration: Non-Chilled Filtered
ABV: 47% (94 Proof)
NABCA CSC #: 18412
Price: $39.95 (purchased on sale @$36.95 in March 2022 in Idaho)
No batch or bottle number identifiers

George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey is a high-rye style bourbon aged over five years. Featuring multiple mash bills to create complexity and a layering effect on the palate.
— Idaho State Liquor Division

Learn more at George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey.


Alternate pours, equaling about four ounces, were added into two Glencairns. Hannah and I enjoyed the bourbon neat for this review.

Check out her review for this bourbon here!


The nose of GR Bourbon is quite complex for a low/mid-priced whiskey. The first scents are of dark cherry then comes raspberry fruit leather and plump gourmet raisins. Further nosing brings baking notes of allspice, cinnamon and nutmeg along with chocolate chips and vanilla. There are more sweets here too as brown sugar melts into buttery Kraft caramels. As I round our Whiskey Traits and Flavor Wheel I smell faint fresh cut oak and some nice barrel char in the mix as well.


GR Bourbon is rich and full with many of the flavors sensed on the nose. I taste sweet cherries but more … chocolate covered cherry nougat and spices of cinnamon, nutmeg and the flavor of rye in each swallow. But moreover, this bourbon is sweet with notes of vanilla and buttery caramel, in aged oak with smoky sweet barrel char.

George Remus Straight Bourbon

Balance, Body, Feel and Look:
GR Bourbon is solid, yet each sip is gentle and easy to hold. The liquid is viscous and oily, giving my mouth a simple, easy tickle. As I set the glass down after each sip, a thick curtain hangs, then gives way to long clinging legs and droplets which drain back to the tawny colored pool.


GR Bourbon has a long, warm and lingering floral finish. Like found in the aroma and flavor, I sense memories of sweet cherries, gourmet raisins, cinnamon and just a hint of chocolate. There is light vanilla, buttery caramel, sweet oak and barrel char too along with a touch of faint new leather. And when the final drops are gone, the empty Glencairn has a bit of alcohol and smells of dry sawdust and soft caramel.

MY RATING: 91/100

Will I buy this whiskey again? YES
What a find! George Remus Bourbon has a home in my bunker and there’s room for a backup too.
Click to read Brian’s scoring process.

Click 91/100 to access other whiskies with this score.

George Remus Straight Bourbon
George Remus Straight Bourbon

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George Remus Straight Bourbon Review

Hannah’s George Remus Straight Bourbon Review

Original review written March 15, 2022


Light yet complex, viscous yet rich. This was well worth the purchase, and I will be looking to keep this one in the bunker full-time. 91/100

George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey is labeled for its namesake George Remus. Also known as the “King of the Bootleggers”, German-born Remus was a lawyer, bootlegger and criminal during the Prohibition era. In November 2016, MGP acquired rights to the George Remus brand from Queen City Whiskey Co. and is now selling several versions of George Remus Bourbon under the label. There are some in the media who have called for MPG to rebrand this product line due to Mr. Remus’ sordid past.

George Remus Straight Bourbon Review

– Made In: Lawrenceburg, Indiana, USA
– Distillery: Remus Distilling Co.; MGPI
– Classification: Straight Indiana Bourbon
– Age: nas
– Mash Bill: unpublished, but believed to be a high-rye blend of several mash bills
– Casks: unpublished char
– Barrel Entry Proof: unpublished
– ABV: 47% (94 proof)
– Price: $39.95 USD in Idaho

Visit for more information


I enjoyed the spirit neat from a Glencairn glass with father and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer, Brian.

Check out his review for this bourbon here!


I imagine sipping this one at the top of a Ferris Wheel at night, with a whole carnival or a town lit up in bright lights and playful noises. The air is calm at the top, if not mixed with a bit of fried food aroma. George Remus Straight is warm, sharp, and exciting enough to keep you entertained, even on a ride as simple as the faithful Wheel.

Photo by William Krause on Unsplash


This has a distinct bourbon nose – corn forward, kick of spice at the back of the inhale, and immediately rich. There’re caramel squares here as well, practically ready to get stuck in between your teeth. But it is not sickeningly sweet, as there is barrel char, fresh herbs, wheat grain and nutmeg to balance it out. Natural sweetness also exists in fruit, like apricots, candied citrus (even marmalade?), and fruit leather. There is little to no alcohol burn on this nose either, leaving just a nose full of pleasant aromas. Overall, this quite a complex nose, and it certainly smells inviting.

George Remus Straight Bourbon Review

– Mouth Feel: Viscous, oily, yum.
– Balance: So solid. There’s a strong base to this bourbon with enough complexity and different flavors to play off of it, that it’s just enjoyable, full stop.
– Visual: Tawny in color, this falls in curtains with thick legs, leaving behind a lingering, uneven crown.

– Taste: I can definitely let this sit on the palate for some time without feeling any pressure at all to get rid of the sip. The alcohol is incredibly mild and offers only the slightest of tickles as it sits. Caramel apples are the first thing to come to mind for flavors, particularly a granny smith apple, as there is a hint of tartness to mix with the sweet caramel. I can even find cherry, tickled by a hint of allspice to lift it and add complexity. At the very back of the palate is a small amount of nutty bitterness, but it actually works to add what I can only call “closure” to the sip.

Wood can be found in abundance with each of these sips also, in a soaked, wood-chip quality, as if I could chew this bourbon. It adds a foundation to the spirit – one that would be sorely missed if it wasn’t here. (And I don’t even require my bourbons to be particularly woody.) This is easy sipping, simply put. The alcohol and wood create the mouth feel, and they make the bourbon even rich.

A Kentucky chew coaxes out both chocolate and grain – all to make the mouth water and want the next sip.


– Lasting Power: Medium. There isn’t much for aftertaste, but the warmth does settle in the throat and lingers for some time.
– Between Sips: I find the wheat grain to be most prominent between sips, with apple core bitterness and buttery walnuts. It’s a decent enough pause, but certainly the palate is superior.

– No More: This continues to only grow in pleasantness the longer I sip this. I’m enjoying this thoroughly, and the sweetness and richness only develops more with each taste.

The empty Glencairn is a rich, spicy sawdust and absolutely delicious. A great finish to a really solid bourbon.


Exceptionally so. It has a complexity to it, matched with lighter-than-normal flavors that make it both unique, and attractive. It’s easy sipping, and I could see it becoming part of the daily sipper group quite quickly. Will look to replace this bottle once it’s gone. This skyrockets without hesitation to one of the better value bourbons I think you can find (at least in Idaho).


Click to see Hannah’s rating process

Click 91/100 to access other whiskies with this rating.

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