Four Roses Single Barrel OBSQ Review

Hannah’s Four Roses Single Barrel OBSQ Review

Original review written April 30, 2020


With only 160 barrels released as a part of Idaho’s Four Roses Private Select, it’ll be sad when this is gone, as the balance between spices, fruit, sugars and wood is wonderful and keeps me coming back for more. 93/100

Four Roses Single Barrel OBSQ Review

– Made In: Lawrenceburg, KY, USA
– Distillery: Four Roses Distillery
– Classification: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey; Single Barrel; Private Select
– Age: 9 yrs. 6 mo.
– Mash Bill: Corn-60%; Rye=35%; Malted Barley=5%
– Casks: Char #3 and #4
– Barrel Entry Proof: 120
– ABV: 62% (124 proof)
– OBSQ: Selected by Idaho State Liquor Division
– O: Production at the Four Roses Distillery in Lawrenceburg, KY
– B: Mash Bill “B”, Low Corn/High Rye
– S: Straight Whiskey Designation
– Q: Yeast Strain “Q”
– Warehouse: JE
– Barrel: 15-4L (approximately 160 bottles)
– Price: $69.95 USD in Idaho

Visit for more information


I enjoyed the juice neat from a Glencairn glass with father and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer, Brian.

Check out his review of this bourbon here!


This is the perfect pour at a Thanksgiving dinner with every flavor profile of Four Roses capable of pairing with some part of the dinner, from the main course to the pumpkin pie dessert. It’s an easy pour that can only enhance the (hopefully) peaceful atmosphere.

Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash


This has a surprisingly gentle nose for the proof with a fruity, sweet, wine tannin essence being there to greet me. The fruit seems dark, but it’s trick to distinguish further. Underneath it, however, is strong grain – likely rye. Other spices include cinnamon, black pepper, and even salt and cloves. Despite these strong spices, the alcohol still isn’t as stinging as some other bourbons I’ve had. With these spices comes dark brown sugar, chocolate and maple syrup.

There is a heavy and seasoned oak underneath it all, making for a spicy, yet balanced nose overall that is warm and inviting.

Four Roses Single Barrel OBSQ Review

– Mouth Feel: Very oily and smooth, but with a sawdust quality to promote chewing.
– Balance: Lots of flavors here, but the blend is seamless and – dare I say – flawless.
– Visual: Mahogany and henna in color, there are evenly spaced thin legs with a short-lived crown.

– Taste: The alcohol, while subdued on the nose, is immediately apparent on the sip, backed by rye and clove. Behind this, I can detect fresh cherries that are even accompanied by cherry blossoms, though the cherries themselves seem more maraschino in flavor.

The dark, sugary scents from the nose aren’t there so much anymore, instead replaced by a dark vanilla. Along with the classic cherry and vanilla, there’s subtle almonds that appear at the back of the palate. (I’ll be honest: it’s possible my brain senses almonds falsely just because such flavor combinations are too perfect to not look for a little bit when one half of the equation presents itself so nicely.)

The wood from the nose is still here also, being like sawdust as I keep having the urge to chew. It’s quite strong, and I do enjoy that depth.

When I do partake in the Kentucky chew, rye, black pepper and salt bloom, followed by a bit by cherries and strangely, an apricot jam at the back of the sip. With it comes a GREAT deal of saliva, a bit of burn, and the urge to repeat.


– Lasting Power: Medium and relatively clean. I actually feel a little let down at the lack of long-lasting warmth with flavors and a proof like this.
– Between Sips: Apricots and cherries linger a little bit, with a drop of alcohol burn that disappears too quickly.

– No More: This continues to mellow out as I go further into the glass, with cherries, vanilla and rye continuing to be the dominating flavors, while other aforementioned tastes seem to have dwindled a lot.

The empty Glencairn has a definitive woody bite to it, along with a cinnamon warming sensation. This could easily be a candle.


At about $70, I’d say it’s worth it. Definitely not $80, but given it’s rarity and balance, it’s a great addition to the bunker, especially for those already fond of the distillery’s productions.

RATING: 93/100

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Four Roses Single Barrel Idaho Private Select – OBSQ (2019) Review

Brian’s Four Roses Single Barrel Idaho Private Select – OBSQ (2019) Review



There are many expressions of Four Roses Single Barrel – OBSQ and in 2019, the Idaho State Liquor Department purchased a barrel from Four Roses for distribution to its patrons. I feel the limited availability Four Roses SiB ID PS – OBSQ (2019) bourbon would best be enjoyed with a group of seasoned bourbon drinkers. It was challenging to evaluate. The nose and palate are subtle and a lively conversation would be most enjoyable as each person discovers new aromas and flavors.

Four Roses Single Barrel - OBSQ

Selected By: Idaho State Liquor Division in 2019
Region: Lawrenceburg, KY, USA
Distiller: Four Roses
▪ O – Production at the Four Roses Distillery in Lawrenceburg, KY
▪ B – Mash Bill “B”, Low Corn/High Rye
▪ S – Straight Whiskey Designation
▪ Q – Yeast Strain “Q”
Mash Bill: 60% corn, 35% rye, and 5% malted barley
Barrel Char: #3/#4
Barrel Proof: 120
Warehouse: J (East side of Rickhouse)
Barrel Number: 15-4L, yielding approximately 160 bottles
Age: 9 Years 6 Months
ABV: 62% (124 Proof)
Price: $69.96 USD


For the evaluation, I shared the juice neat from Glencairn glasses with my daughter and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer Hannah.

Check out her review for this bourbon here!


As I bring the Glencairn to my nose, brown sugar wafts through the air. When I breath in, a nip of strong alcohol and faint wine tannins dance with fruit tree blossoms as faint, old sweet corn sensations mix with an indistinguishable fruitiness. So well blended, it is hard to say which fruit is at the forefront. In the end, tart green caramel apples and a faint but fresh citrus essence speaks loudest. While the flora is complex, allspice, ginger, black and white pepper and abundant rye abound. The dram seems sweet, but not overpoweringly so as brown sugared pastry, cocoa and light vanilla, blend into buttery toffeed chocolate. There is an earthiness here as well; a strong woodiness of green, fresh cut oak compliment the barrel haze and aromas of newly polished leather boots.


This expression of Four Roses SiB – OBSQ doesn’t drink like a 124 proof whiskey. There is an alcohol bite, but it doesn’t overpower. When held in the mouth, my salivary glands kick into overdrive as many of the aromas come through: herbal notes of roasted corn and the unknown fruitiness, but now more leathery … my brain says unsweetened dried apple but I’m unsure. Spices of ginger, black pepper and rye nearly overshadow the vanilla, brown sugar, dark molasses and chocolate toffee as strong fresh cut oak, hazy barrel char and earthy leather push through. While I cannot say I taste peanuts (or nuts of any kind), this whiskey would elevate a chunky peanut butter sandwich to amazing heights.

Four Roses Single Barrel - OBSQ

Balance, Body, Feel and Look:
Four Roses SiB – OBSQ is a solidly balanced bourbon. It does give the tongue and mouth quite a tickle when held, but it is still viscous and oily. In the Glencairn, its droplets hang a moment before dropping in long clinging legs to the mahogany pool.


The dram has a slightly warm and medium finish. The herbalness is gone but a sensation of dark fruit leather is more pronounced as cinnamon heat, black pepper and rye linger. Memories of buttery carameled apple pie compliment the earthy haze of oak barrel char. When emptied, the Glencairn smells of oak, cinnamon and sweet evaporated milk butter sauce.

MY RATING: 88/100

Will I seek out this whiskey in the future? Yes
Click to read Brian’s scoring process.

Click 88/100 to access other whiskies with this score.
To access other whiskies from this distillery, click Four Roses.

Four Roses Single Barrel - OBSQ
Four Roses Single Barrel - OBSQ

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