Revisit those First Whiskeys – They’ll Help Keep you Grounded.
Years ago when I traveled for business, one such trip landed me in Louisville, KY. The schedule of activities for the three day conference was quite tight and the days were full of information and instruction. To wind down each evening, the event promoters had a catered Bourbon Trail set up in one of the hotel ballrooms for us to enjoy as we networked.
Up ’til then my whiskey experience had been limited to university days (nothing of substance from which to draw) so I got to learn a bit from the hosts. Samples of basic Buffalo Trace, Four Roses, Maker’s Mark, Woodford Reserve, and a couple of others were offered. On the plane home, I remember thinking I could get attached to bourbon. Maker’s and Four Roses had really impressed me. But, as the world continued to turn, other pursuits had more gravity.
As time went by, a couple of friends and I began planning a multi-day back-packing and fly fishing adventure deep into Idaho’s “Frank Church River of No Return” wilderness area. There would be plenty of water along the way, but no means of refrigeration and carrying a sufficient supply of the typical adult beverage wouldn’t be practical. I remembered the business trip and decided bourbon would be something I could enjoy each evening as we wound down around the fire.

Frank Church Wilderness map found on
Now I’d enjoyed a pour (or two) of Buffalo Trace on other outings, but I felt some research was in order, as I really didn’t know much about bourbon (and I wanted bring something which would enhance the adventure). So with a desire to learn, I headed to the nearby liquor store to get my education. There I met Adam who soon became my expert (see “How to Pick A Whiskey“). I had much to learn. Fortunately I had several months to devote to the task.
With Adam’s help, I began with middle tier bourbons, forsaking those on the bottom shelves. Soon I had a small collection of common offerings: Buffalo Trace, Elijah Craig Small Batch, Maker’s Mark, Wild Turkey 101, and as I was a newbie, all in 375 ml bottles. (Cost was a factor and I was still reluctant to spend money on something I might not like.) Each night while preparing dinner on the grill, I would assess two offerings, working through the bunch, finding “my profile” much like an optometrist fits for glasses (“A or B”, “2 or 3”).
From my original four, I found Maker’s good and Elijah Craig better. Then Adam convinced me to spend a bit more, and Eagle Rare and Four Roses Small Batch came home for trials. Along the way, my experiment expanded and others were tried. Some failed to impress and others shined. My palate was developing. Adam asked if I was ready for some heat, recommending Colonel Taylor Small Batch (my first Bottled-in-Bond bourbon), Maker’s Mark Cask Strength, and Old Forester 1920. They each have become regulars in my bunker.
My bourbon journey was well underway and soon I had three solid options from which to choose for the wilderness adventure: Eagle Rare, Maker’s Mark Cask Strength, and Old Forester 1920 – Yes, all have very different profiles, yet I found all most enjoyable in their own unique way. And I knew the amber liquid would be simple to transfer into easy to carry 8 oz. stainless steel flasks I now had in my collection.

Flask photo taken by Brian Dawson
But this article was written to revisit those first whiskeys and stay grounded, not a history lesson nobody but me cares about. Fast forward to present day … … …
Hannah, my fellow editor and reviewer, is diligently working on her whiskey review list. As she works through my originals, I figured there was an opportunity to circle back and revisit those first whiskeys which had fallen to newfound options. In addition, some of my early notes were really lacking – largely due to inexperience … I just didn’t know what I was tasting back then … but I had discovered the basics of what I liked.
Amazingly, as I sipped the various bourbons Hannah was reviewing, I noticed my nose and palate picked up far more aromas and flavors than I had jotted down in those original notes. All are better than I remembered and Elijah Craig was much better than my notes had indicated. Because my senses have matured, certain aromas and flavors are now easier to identify. I’ve come to enjoy this bourbon adventure even more and it has made sipping this wonderful nectar even more delectable.
Interestingly enough, my profile has remained fairly consistent with those first few months of tasting and testing: I liked the earthy, sweet and oaky bourbons back then; I still prefer big, bold, high proof bourbons which are earthy, have traces of fruits and nuts, and are sweet and full of oak now. Today, some of those originals are daily sippers in my bunker and they’re close at hand for times when I feel like visiting with an old friend: Elijah Craig Small Batch, Eagle Rare and Four Roses Small Batch, Colonel Taylor Small Batch, Maker’s Mark Cask Strength, and Old Forester 1920.
So here’s my recommendation … Consider taking a hint from my these pages – Revisit those first whiskeys. See how they compare to what you are drinking now. You might find a new old favorite.
Please click the ‘Leave a Reply’ button below to share your first whiskeys and how they have influenced your whiskey journey. Cheers!
Written by Brian Dawson editor
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