Jim Beam Devil’s Cut Review

Hannah’s Jim Beam Devil’s Cut Review

Original review written May 16, 2020


Even at $20, I do think you can find better bourbons. If you like mellow pours, it’s worth it, but to me, bourbon should always be more complex and explosive. 71/100

Jim Beam Devil's Cut Review

– Made In: Kentucky, USA
– Distillery: Jim Beam Distillery
– Classification: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
– Age: nas
– Mash Bill: Corn=77%; Rye=13%; Malted Barley=10%
– Casks: Char #4
– Barrel Entry Proof: 125
– ABV: 45% (90 proof)
– Price: $19.95 USD in Idaho

Visit jimbeam.com for more information


I enjoyed the juice neat from a Glencairn glass with father and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer, Brian.

Check out his review for this bourbon here!


I think this would be a pleasant pour over a game of chess. The game can make up for the lack of complexity in the drink, while also being a sturdy low-proof base when contemplating the next move.

Photo by Piotr Makowski on Unsplash


There is some buttery oak here, but with no noticeable spice or even alcohol to back it up, it comes across as being fairly bland and dry. I can find some sweet corn – courtesy of the mash bill – and perhaps some yeasty component that is reminiscent of white bread. There is a slight hint of leather on the very deep draws and maybe simple syrup. It’s inoffensive, sure, but it’s a little plain.

Jim Beam Devil's Cut Review

– Mouth Feel: Initial tickle, then mellows out dramatically.
– Balance: Plain. It’s blended, but with no star of the show… just plain.
– Visual: Russet muscat in color, there are clinging droplets that eventually give way to fat legs.

– Taste: There is an interesting tickle straight off. It isn’t alcohol, but it could be white pepper. It’s almost like a carbonated effect, but it vanishes incredibly quickly. What remains is an herbal quality, with a minty freshness particularly strong. It’s not sinus-clearing by any means, but it is certainly more than I would have ever anticipated. There is a sweetness also that seems artificial – maybe like marshmallows?

The aura of oak is here too, being old in character, but also in a bark-esque kind of way. The chips have been soaked in water, and though you’d think this would promote a Kentucky chew, it actually makes me more likely to try drawing the moisture out of the chips instead.

Still, when I do partake in the chew, the white pepper blooms a bit, marrying to the oak and simultaneously waking up a subtle floral element. Still next to no alcohol burn, even on the chew.

It’s not bad, but the plainness and lack of complexity leaves me a little disappointed.


– Lasting Power: Clipped short, except at the chew, where a cooling tingle clings to the sides of the tongue a bit longer.
– Between Sips: A hint of bread lingers between sips, maybe a white bread, but I wouldn’t rule out a rye bread entirely for the briefest of seconds.

– No More: This, unfortunately, doesn’t grow too much the further into the glass I get. An argument could be made for some expanding floral notes, but they are indistinct and still shrouded by the bread and oak.

The empty Glencairn is a warm oak that has a touch of spiciness to it. It’s a really nice aroma; I just wish I could have tasted more of that in the actual pour.


When I decide to pour a glass of bourbon, I am looking for an explosive quality, whether that be from actual spice or maybe from fruit, or a sharp sweetness or oakiness. Given the idea behind Devil’s Cut (in brief, meaning the inclusion of bourbon that leached out of the sides of the barrel after the barrel was emptied), I wanted some more barrel aggression here. If this was a Tennessee Whiskey, I’d likely love this, as I expect mellowness from such a product, and I’d gladly say this was worth the price. Since it’s marked a bourbon, it doesn’t hit the mark for me, sadly. If you want something that pops, I think there are other bourbon options around this price point that would suit better. If you don’t mind getting a more Tennessee Whiskey vibe, go for it.

RATING: 71/100

Click to see Hannah’s rating process

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To access other whiskies from this distillery, click Jim Beam.

Hannah’s Whiskey Reviews
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Jim Beam Devil’s Cut Bourbon Review

Brian’s Jim Beam Devil’s Cut Review:



I must begin this review by saying, I went into this tasting not expecting much. I was pleasantly surprised – Jim Beam Devil’s Cut is the best $20 bottle of whiskey I’ve ever had. Now I’m not likely to rush out and buy another when this one empties, but it might be a worthy addition to the bar for the novice drinker. It is not complex, in fact it’s pretty simple, but certainly worth the money.

Jim Beam Devil's Cut

– Category: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
– Region: Kentucky, USA
– Distiller: Jim Beam
– Classification: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
– Mash bill: 77% Corn, 13% Rye, 10% Malted Barley
– Casks: New Charred Oak
– Barrel Char: #4
– Barrel Entry Proof: 125
– Age: nas
– ABV: 45% (90 Proof)
– No batch or bottle number identifiers
– Price: $19.95 USD

Learn more at https://www.jimbeam.com/bourbons/jim-beam-devils-cut


For the evaluation, I shared the juice neat from Glencairn glasses with my daughter and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer Hannah.

Check out her review for this bourbon here!


When I first brought the Glencairn to my nose I was greeted with brown sugar and caramel but the sweetness does not linger. There is a little alcohol burn and at times, sensations of strong alcohol. When the harshness wafts through, the aroma is a bit rough and gritty with has faint scents of acetone. The off-putting aromas are overshadowed with nice roasted corn and dusty grain. Continued nosing brings, faint tart apples mixed with traces of orange zest and spices of cloves, white pepper and rye. But mostly, the juice is wood forward with plenty of toasted and hazy barrel char.


Jim Beam Devil’s Cut is not complex, so if you are after more, look elsewhere. But if you are after a simple and dry woody sip with just enough flavors to entertain, this bourbon could hit the spot. There is a bit of an alcohol bite, more than expected from a 90 proofer, but it’s not hot. The roasted corn and dusty grain sensed on the nose come through along with with some fresh citrus and warm applesauce with faint notes of cinnamon. And there’s just enough black pepper and rye to mix with the woody caramel and toasted wood and hazy barrel char to keep the palate entertained.

Jim Beam Devil's Cut

Balance, Body, Feel and Look:
In the mouth, this bourbon is pleasant and surprisingly smooth. It is not watery but not thick either. In the Glencairn, the juice makes a decent crown before falling in medium thick legs back to the russet and muscat colored pool.


The warm and slightly sweet finish of Jim Beam Devil’s Cut bourbon is quite short. There is herbalness and hints of roasted corn to go along with traces of pepper. Still my mouth continues to water long after the sip is swallowed. And the empty Glencairn gives up more toasted wood and hazy barrel char.

MY RATING: 84/100

Click 84/100 to access other whiskies with this score.
To access other whiskies from this distillery, click Jim Beam.

Jim Beam Devil's Cut
Jim Beam Devil's Cut

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Knob Creek SiB ID Select Bourbon 1 Review

Brian’s Knob Creek SiB ID Select Bourbon 1 Review



Knob Creek SiB ID Select Bourbon 1 is an fine whiskey, one I happily place on my all time “Top 5 Pour” shelf. From the moment the stopper is pulled to the final waft of the empty Glencairn, it is pure joy in a glass. It checks all my boxes: a slightly sweet and earthy, high proof, oaky, unicorn bourbon, with big, bold flavors of chewy dark fruit and just a hint of toffee nuttiness. If a Select Barrel of Knob Creek is found in your store – buy, Buy, BUY!

Knob Creek SiB ID Select Bourbon 1

Category: Private Barrel Select Bourbon
– (Selected by ISLD Product Manager Rick Baltadonis)

Region: Clermont, KY
– Country: United States
Distiller: Jim Beam
Mash Bill: 75% corn, 13% rye, 12% malted barley
Barrel Char: #4
Barrel entry proof: 125
Cask Type: New American White Oak
Cask Number: 7995a
Warehouse X, Floor 3, Rack 20, Tier 3
Vintage Year: 25-February-2004
Age: 15 Years
ABV: 60% (120 Proof)
Approx. Bottles Produced: 120
Price: $59.95 USD

Learn more at https://www.knobcreek.com/single-barrel experience.


In early 2019, representatives from the Idaho State Liquor Division (ISLD) and several Idaho bars visited the Knob Creek Distillery in Clermont, KY for the purposes of selecting barrels for exclusive distribution to Idaho whiskey patrons and connoisseurs. This Knob Creek Single Barrel iteration was selected by Rick Baltadonis, ISLD Product Manager. During the Private Barrel Selection event three other bourbons and two ryes were chosen.


For the evaluation, I enjoyed the juice neat from Glencairn glasses with my daughter and fellow Whiskey for the Ages reviewer Hannah.

Check out her review for this bourbon here!


It’s not often the first sniff of bourbon brings so much wood. Greeted with the sawdust of freshly cut old lumber and the haziness of charred barrels, in peeks a bit of warm and fruited sherry wine accompanied by the faintest hint of roasted dusty corn. But oh the dark fruit: well blended sweet cherry, raisin, and prune fruit leather is boosted with fresh candied citrus zest. Then, faint spices of cinnamon and white pepper dance with bittersweet chocolate, circus peanut candy, woody caramel a mix of dark molasses and roasted hazelnut toffee. Fifteen years of aging add depth and a fine earthiness of musty old leather, which is pleasing to nose.


In a word, AMAZING! All the aromas come through in warm alcohol bliss. I couldn’t wait – on the second sip gave the juice a healthy Kentucky Chew. Assertive, but not enough to hurt, the strong sherry wine flavored blend makes me salivate. A new herbalness compliments the dark cherry, raisin, prune and citrus marmalade fruit leather as allspice, cinnamon and black pepper join the party. Not quite sweet, cocoa powder and cinnamon red hots mix with the woody caramel, dark molasses and roasted hazelnut toffee sensed on the nose as does the old lumber sawdust and hazy barrel char. And ever present is the deep earthiness of musty old leather.

Knob Creek SiB ID Select Bourbon 1

Balance, Body, Feel and Look:
Knob Creek SiB ID Select Bourbon 1 is big, rich, viscous and oily, yet a bit rough and gritty. Well blended but still wood forward, its pleasant aftertaste of old fashioned cinnamon Dutch apple pie infused with raisins dried prunes fades slowly. In the Glencairn, a of curtain of liquid legs return to the dark, old oak colored pool.


The dram finishes exceptionally long. I continue to salivate as the aftertaste of fading wine, dark cherries mix with apple pie and raisins. Earthy and deep, its dark molasses fades into hazy wafts of aged leather. In the empty Glencairn, old oak lingers in memory of the dram.

MY RATING: 92/100

Will I seek out this whiskey in the future? Yes
Click to read Brian’s scoring process.

Click 92/100 to access other whiskies with this score.
To access other whiskies from this brand, click Knob Creek.

Knob Creek SiB ID Select Bourbon 1
Knob Creek SiB ID Select Bourbon 1

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